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Rebecca is intelligent, friendly, kind, caring, hard-working and very competent.

Rebecca worked for me from 12 August to 2 September 2022.  She was employed to help look after my mother who had a stroke six and a half years ago, leaving her almost paralysed from the neck downwards and with brain damage, but she could talk and communicate and still retained a zest for life.  She was looked after by two live in carers, and Rebecca was employed as one of those live in carers.

Rebecca joined me at a time when my mother was in hospital with Covid Pneumonia, but I had been told that although she was very ill, the hope was that she would recover. We needed assistance to help with her in the hospital (as given the level of her disability she was very high level care and the hospital needed extra help) and to look after when she came home. Sadly, my mother's condition deteriorated, and she died in hospital.

However, Rebecca was outstanding. She came at a very difficult and stressful time and was extremely sensitive to this. She immediately started to help with my mother in the hospital in all aspects of her care without the need for much instruction.  She is a very competent, kind, caring person sensitive to people's needs.  She worked extremely well with the other carer, Maria, who had worked for me looking after my mother for five and half years and is also an outstanding carer. My mother liked Rebecca very much, as do I and Maria. She was very good working as a team, but also on her own where necessary. She was able to fit in extremely well and very quickly.

After my mother died, as she was so competent, hard-working and pleasant to have around, and had fitted in so well with myself and Maria, I kept her on to help me in preparation for the funeral, (including helping clean the church!) and generally to assist around the house which she did with enthusiasm and extremely well.

I have employed many carers throughout the time I looked after my mother following her stroke, and she is without doubt one of the best carers I have employed. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending her.

Suzanne… KC. (Sussex)